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Four Marks CE Primary School

Love. Integrity. Forgiveness. Equality.



Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone; it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at Four Marks Primary School.


Bullying is deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves.


The three main types of bullying are:



(hitting, kicking, theft, damaging property)



(name-calling, racist or other offensive remarks, threats, repeatedly ‘putting down’ someone)



(spreading rumours, excluding someone from social groups, gesturing or mimicry)


This can include bullying via text messages, picture/video-clips, mobile phone cameras, phone calls, emails, instant messaging and websites.




Your child might tell you that she is being bullied or you might hear about it from somebody else—your child’s friends, your neighbours or your child’s teachers.


Often, though, a child who is being bullied manages to hide it.  They might be afraid that the bully will take revenge on him/her.  They might feel that they are powerless and a failure.  Because of this, you need to know some of the signs of bullying and look out for them.  Some signs are:


•  not wanting to go to school

•  a pattern of headaches or stomach aches

•  damaged clothing or bruising

•  missing equipment or belongings

•  asking for extra pocket money or stealing

•  a sudden drop in standards of school work

•  fear about walking to and from school

•  secrecy about the reason for tears


Remember that if your child is showing one or more of these signs, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are being bullied—there might be other explanations.  But it’s important to be aware of the possibility and to look into it further.




Every year the school takes part in Anti- Bullying Week to reinforce the steps to take if they are being bullied, or are aware of other children being bullied.



Tell the bully to stop—state quite clearly that the behaviour is unwelcome and offensive and, if possible, walk away from the situation.  Seek adult help—if the bullying continues, or you are afraid to tell the bully to stop.  Report it to your class teacher or any member of staff.  You should keep a record of the date and time of any offensive electronic messages and let an adult see them.



Pupils who witness any form of bullying should:


Be aware that we are a ‘telling’ school—this means that it is the duty of any bystanders to report any incidents and they will not be accused of telling tales.


Can you be a friend to the person who is being bullied?  Let them know you have seen what has been going on and are worried about them.  Ask if they feel they can talk to someone.  They may want you to help them talk about it with a teacher or another adult.


If they won’t talk to anyone and you are worried about them, can you think of someone you can talk to?  Could you calk to the teachers at your school about what everyone can do to stop bullying?  Could your class make anti-bullying posters or put on a play?  Could the school council do anything to help?


Anti- Bullying Week
