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Four Marks CE Primary School

Love. Integrity. Forgiveness. Equality.

Collective Worship

'Collective worship is inspirational through providing a rich variety of engaging experiences. It is deeply embedded in the life of the school.  (SIAMS Inspection Report 2022). 

Collective Worship

Through our programme of collective worship, we aim to develop the children's understanding of what is right and what is wrong, giving them strong guidance in helping them to develop core values that will help them to make good choices.  As a Church school our worship promote strong Christian Values, as well as the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

'Pupils are encouraged to respect each other’s opinions by having opportunities  to explore emotive and challenging themes... and as a result, pupils' spirituality is deepened'

(SIAMS Inspection Report 2022). 

Collective Worship and Picture News:

As part of our Collective Worship provision we use 'Picture News’ resource for Faith Schools: Each week a current news story is chosen, and an image from the news story is shared with  a thought-provoking question for the children to explore and discuss. The Pictures and stories are carefully chosen for Primary aged pupils, and designed to provide opportunities for children to consider what is happening in the wider world and develop respect for other’s beliefs, feelings and faiths. Each week, a new picture and question will be available via our 'What's in the News?' page in our Children's section:

'Big questions are a significant feature of lessons and enable pupils to develop a deep understanding of issues and inequalities in the world...' (SIAMS Inspection Report 2022)

Collective Worship 2022-23

Collective Worship 2021-22

Collective Worship 20-21

Collective Worship 2019-20
