Good to be Green Behaviour Scheme
Our ethos is to notice good behaviour and give attention to children making right choices. This is very effective in encouraging children whose inclination might be to misbehave, to be noticed for doing the right thing! We have a very positive attitude towards discipline, awarding children individual, class or whole school ‘stampers’ for good effort and attitude. Rewards for earning sufficient ‘stampers’ include coming into school in a choice of their own clothes (Mufti), being given additional play time and having a class party. These are treasured rewards that encourage children to behave well!
All children belong to one of four school Houses, Blue, Green, Red or Yellow. Children are able to earn their Houses House points by gaining ‘stamper’ certificates as well as by any exceptional behaviour or attitudes around the school.
Another incentive for good behaviour is our Golden Time on a Friday afternoon where children are able to select activities as a reward. Children who have made wrong choices during the week will lose time from this, although they can contract to earn it back by showing their teacher that they are really trying to improve. This has proved very successful as children hate losing their Golden Time!
There are, of course, always a few children who struggle hard with behaviour in any school. For these children, we like to work closely with their parents/carers to help the children to build up their self-esteem enough to give them the confidence to make right choices.
Good to be Green Behaviour Scheme
The ‘Good to be Green scheme is an effective way of promoting positive behaviour, rewarding those pupils who consistently behave appropriately, and is a means of being able to track those pupils who find it harder to meet the school’s expected behaviour code (see Behaviour Policy).
The scheme is very visual, with child friendly resources which allow our pupils to easily see how they are doing in class. We believe that it is important to promote a positive message regarding behaviour management at all times- ‘Good to be Green’ is a means of promoting our high expectations of positive behaviour. If a child has had a bad day, they can start afresh the following day.
Every child starts their day on a positive note with a green card displayed in their pocket of the Class Chart. The card says- ‘It’s Good to be Green!’ and the children soon learn to associate being on Green with a feeling of having done the right thing. If they are still on Green by the end of the day, the child is awarded a House Point.
If, during the day, in lessons, or at break times, a child has to be warned of inappropriate behaviour, or has broken a school rule, then a Yellow Warning Cars will be displayed over the top of the Green card. The warning gives the child the opportunity to reflect, consider and review their behaviour. If a child is already on a Yellow Warning Card, and they have to be told again of inappropriate behaviour, then there are consequences. A yellow card would equate, for example, to 5 minutes off playtime (mainly for Level 1 and 2 behaviours- see Behaviour policy and table below).
Sometimes, just the threat of moving a child onto a Red Consequence Card is enough to encourage them to behave appropriately. However, if necessary, the child’s Yellow Warning Card will be moved to the back of the pocked and the Red Consequence Card will be displayed. Persistent Level 2/ level 3 behaviour (see table below) would equate to a red card which would then have a consequence of loss of playtime of lunchtime. Persistent Level 3 or Level 4 behaviour could result in a temporary/ permanent exclusion. A child who has received three red cards in a half term would be a cause for concern, and parents would be notified.
Equally, pupils will often display behaviours where they go out of their way to be friendly, welcoming or helpful. Pupils also have the opportunity to be rewarded for very good behaviour by being awarded a Silver Award (which equates to 2 house points) or even a Gold Award (which equates to one Stamper at the end of the day. In addition, there are a wide range of school initiatives and programmes which reward appropriate/ good
behaviour, and these are outlined in the School Behaviour Policy.
Teachers and staff respond to inappropriate behaviour using the ‘Good to be Green’ scheme. The table below gives examples of some kinds of behaviour which are levelled according to ‘severity’ (taken from the School’s Behaviour Policy).
Level 1 |
Range of Possible Sanctions |
Persistent Level 1 & Level 2 |
Range of Possible Sanctions |
Persistent Level 2 & Level 3 |
Range of Possible Sanctions |
Persistent Level 3 & Level 4 |
Range of Possible Sanctions |