Walking Home Alone: Permission Form / Guidelines
The guidelines above are designed to help parents make the decision about when it might be appropriate to allow children to walk to and from school independently, and how to prepare them for this.
If you are considering this, please read the guidance carefully and check that your child can do all of the recommended aspects.
Please note, if we become aware of unsafe or inappropriate behaviour, we will contact you and you will be asked to collect your child from school temporarily, whilst you reinforce and re-teach the road safety elements that are necessary to safeguard your child whilst they are off-premises. Our main priority, like yours, is to ensure that the children are safe.
To assist us in knowing which children have parental permission to leave the school premises at the end of the day on their own, you will need to fill in a simple permission form for our records. You will only need to do this once, unless arrangements change, or if permission is revoked due to concerns about children's conduct and ability to be safe and sensible outside of school.
The permission form must be completed for any child who will be leaving our school site unaccompanied. Please note that KS1 children will not be given permission to leave the school premises unaccompanied.
The permission form can be completed electronically via Microsoft Teams (link below), or by completing paper form (Appendix 1) and returning it to the school office.