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Four Marks CE Primary School

Love. Integrity. Forgiveness. Equality.

Our Curriculum Subject by Subject

'Handy Facts'

In line with the Subject Review series by Ofsted (2022), we have been considering ways of strengthening how we enable our children to make links within and across subject areas. Our 'Handy Facts' are designed to help children to know more and remember more as they learn, providing a reference point for prior learning. 


'Handy Facts': 'REACHING' to know and remember more:

We know from research that re-activating prior learning helps to strengthen brain pathways to create more lasting memory. We will also use these as part of our assessment for foundation subjects. These two examples are from our Science and Geography curriculum. 


Please note, our 'Handy Facts' are currently 'work in development' (academic year 2022-23), and we will update these as they are finalised by our subject leaders: 
