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Four Marks CE Primary School

Love. Integrity. Forgiveness. Equality.

Children's Leadership

Children’s Leadership


We believe that nurturing children’s sense of responsibility and willingness to lead and ‘serve’ others is a key element of preparing children to become productive and considerate citizens in the wider world.  Every child is a citizen of the school and as such is expected to take joint responsibility for looking after the school and our expectations of the children increase over time.  There are many citizenship tasks that children undertake at different ages:


In Year R children are expected to:

           tidy up toys after playing.       

           sweep and tidy up the outside play area.


Year 1 and 2 children are responsible for:

           classroom jobs.

           tidying up classroom after activities.

           setting up the classroom for activities e.g. Art, D.T.


Children in Years 3 and 4:

  • classroom jobs

  • tidying up classroom after activities

  • setting up the classroom for activities e.g. Art, D.

  • undertake table hosting duties where they encourage younger children to enjoy lunchtimes, helping them to cut up food, use a knife and fork properly and giving lunchtimes a community feel. They discuss our 'Thunk of the Week' with the younger children to encourage conversation skills. 


Children in Years 5 and 6:

In Years 5 and 6 we encourage children to widen their responsibilities across the school and take on leadership roles to assist in the smooth running of the school. This may include children training for specific roles (e.g. becoming peer mentors), or applying for positions of responsibility that they feel passionate about. At the end of Year 5 children write letters of application and attend interviews for positions of responsibility. These include:

  • sorting out lost property and returning named items to the owners.
  • becoming school librarians, digital leaders, health and safety representatives

  • becoming peer mentors, helping younger children to organise games and solve conflicts at playtimes and lunchtimes

  • becoming a School Prefect, House Captain , Sports Captain or Arts Captain. 


Children also take many leading roles within and beyond the school, for example producing  a magazine each term, running clubs for younger children such as physical activity, art and book clubs, working in the community and with our parish council, and being part of the school council ( our FIT team) to debate aspects of the schools policy and practice. Some children are also penpals for some of the residents in our local care home, or form part of our school litter picking team. 



Our Leaders in Action

Click on the page below to find out more about how we work with our local magistrates to develop children's understanding of justice, and respect for the law.

Click on the articles below to read children's articles about different aspects of leadership and it's development in school.
