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Four Marks CE Primary School

Love. Integrity. Forgiveness. Equality.

Year 2

Suggested Timetable and Focus

Years 1,2,3,4 Homework:

‘Homework’ for

Parents/ Carers


10-20 minutes

Reading, discussing texts

Read a bedtime story at least 4 times a week, if possible every day. 10 minutes per day.

(Even when your child is able to read by themselves, it is still beneficial to read them a story, including longer ‘Chapter Stories’, non-fiction books).


10-20 minutes

Times tables, number bonds, arithmetic practice, maths consolidation work.


10-20 minutes

Reading & discussing texts


10-20 minutes

Times tables, number bonds, arithmetic practice, maths consolidation work.


10-20 minutes

Reading and discussing texts


10-20 minutes

Times tables, number bonds, arithmetic practice, maths consolidation work.


10-20 minutes

Reading/ Grammar task


  1. 2 hours

Short and regular practice is better than longer stretches.


½ hour- 1 hour

Homework Guidance and Expectations: Year 2: 

Children should read their school book (Phonics Practice and Fluency Practice books where applicable) or another book at least four times a week at home for around ten to twenty minutes. Discuss the way we read punctuation as well as words, how bold or italic words are read differently. Look for how advanced punctuation is used. For example, speech marks, brackets, commas, apostrophes etc. It is very important that adults discuss these things with their child as they are not likely to notice them on their own.

Children in 1 and some children in Year 2, will have two reading books; a ‘Phonics practice book’, and a ‘Fluency practice book’. The first book will contain all the taught sounds that children are working on in school, and should present them with a good level of challenge, where they will need to sound out words using their phonics skills. The ‘fluency’ book will be slightly easier and is intended to focus on developing expression, automatic word recognition (reading without sounding out), rhythm and smoothness, without the need to sound out excessively. Both should be practised alongside each other.

For suggestions of great quality books to share with your child, please visit the page below: 

For our developing readers, we also have a private page on our website featuring familiar members of staff reading some of their favourite stories. All of these stories are available to borrow from our school library. You can simply listen to them, or read along with a copy of the book. Please contact our school office for the password to access this page. 

Maths Fluency: Please see the document below for expectations and tips on practising this: 

By year 2 children should know number bonds to 10 fluently. 

By year 2, all children need to learn their 2x, 5x and 10x tables fluently.

CHILDREN SHOULD LEARN THE ‘FULL’ TIMES TABLE, for example, 2x 2=4, not counting in steps (e.g. 2,4,6,8 etc) . This helps them to retrieve the number facts more quickly rather than having to count up the steps each time.

Maths Fluency Homework in detail Year 2
