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Four Marks CE Primary School

Love. Integrity. Forgiveness. Equality.

Proposed Expansion

The planned expansion of our school has been put back, due to the updated analysis of population and need for additional places, provisionally until 2025.  The notice detailing this is below. 

Four Marks Enlargement Modification Notice

The planning application for our expansion to a 2 form entry Primary School has now been submitted and the associated link is:


Ref: Planning Application (HCC/2019/0202):

School Expansion Plans- update: 

Following the public consultation with the local community, we have been continuing to work with the Local Authority in discussing plans for the future proposed expansion of our school. We have been informed that the planning permission for our expansion to a 2 form entry Primary School, to cater for the increased numbers of children in our catchment area, will be submitted in the next few weeks. The current schedule is for building work to start on site in the summer of 2020, with the planned increase to our intake (to 60 pupils per year) taking place for YR in 2021. As with any plans, these are still subject to change, and are particularly depended on predicted pupil numbers. I will keep you informed of any further developments as they arise. 


Proposed Site Plan January 19

Hampshire County Council's pre-planning application consultation on the enlargement of Four Marks Church of England Primary School  will run from Monday 11 June to Monday 9 July 2018 during which time comments on the proposal may be submitted.
The attached letter gives a brief outline relating to the proposal, or these details can be found at this website: from midday Monday 11 June including a link to a "Frequently Asked Questions" document, plans for the expansion and details of the drop-in session at the school.

Further to the Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services approval, and following the  Principle of Enlargement consultation for Four Marks Church of England Primary School, Alton (Monday 2 October to Monday 6 November 2017), notice is herby given, in accordance with Section 19 (1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, that Hampshire County Council intends to make a prescribed alteration to this school by enlarging the premises and the capacity of the school with effect from September 2020.


The Notice is published below:


Copies of the complete proposal may be obtained from Martin Shefferd, Strategic Development Officer, Children’s Services Department, EII Court North, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8UG; telephone 01962 845746; e-mail:


Within four weeks from the date of publication of this proposal (5/1/2018), any person may object or make comments on the proposal by sending them to Martin Shefferd, Strategic Development Officer, Children’s Services Department, EII Court North, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8UG; telephone 01962 845746; e-mail:
