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Four Marks CE Primary School

Love. Integrity. Forgiveness. Equality.

Parent Surveys

Results and Feedback from Parent View Survey December 2022

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete the form. We had 138 responses in total and thought that you would be interested to know the outcome. 


Responses in general were extremely positive, and we are particularly pleased that the overwhelming majority of you feel that your children are happy, safe and doing well at our school. Please click on the document above for full responses and analysis. 

Homework Survey 2022

Following feedback from Staff, parents and children about homework, please find attached a summary of the responses collected, and also our new Homework Policy. We have amended our Homework Policy to reflect the majority view(s) in terms of the focus of homework tasks, how much time we recommend different year groups to spend on homework, and also the format of homework, (which was overwhelmingly in favour of children having a homework 'book'). I would be grateful if you could take time to read the new Homework Policy. 
