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Four Marks CE Primary School

Love. Integrity. Forgiveness. Equality.

School Landscape Strategy

Four Marks CE Primary School was pleased to work with Hampshire County Council Landscape architects, hosting two workshops that helped to shape the thinking behind any planning for possible school expansion. A range of people involved with our school- parents, staff, pupils, and governors came along to the workshops in Autumn 2017 with the aim of reviewing our existing outdoor space and how it works. They then considered how the school grounds could be shaped over the coming years to best benefit our pupils.


At the first workshop, we took part in a series of activities designed to help us think about the whole school site NOW. We explored questions such as:-

What do you think of the school site? How does it feel? How is it used? What’s good about it? What’s not so good?

We looked at the spaces at the school through the following whole site themes:

• Welcome, arrival, access and circulation, parking and deliveries

• Play, Socialising, Breaks and Lunchtimes

• Teaching and Learning Outdoors

• The Natural Environment and Sustainability

• School Campus, Community and Context

• Health and well-being


At the second  workshop we looked to the future to contribute to the shared decision around the siting of the proposed building extensions, and to start to look at our long term ambition for the school site.


Our shared thinking and ideas is summarised in the document below.



Our Landscape and Site Strategy Document:
