Pupil Voice
Pupil Voice at Four Marks
At Four Marks we believe that all pupils should have the opportunity to share their ideas. We do this in a number of ways:
- Pupils have the opportunity to take on leadership roles which include: prefects; house captains; arts captains; sports captains; librarians; peer mentors; table hosts; eco warriors; as well as opportunities within class.
- The school council (Our Fresh Ideas Team or FIT) play a major part in providing a structured and systematic approach to enable all pupils to share their ideas, views and concerns about the school and wider community.
- Pupils have regular opportunities to discuss issues that may arise in school through structured activities such as circle time.
- The curriculum offers opportunities for pupils to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding when using their pupil voice. We use the ABC approach to structure discussions and allow different viewpoints to be heard:
One of the ways we provide opportunities for pupils to express their opinions, ideas and thoughts is by asking whole school questions which are then discussed and acted on by the FIT team and school staff.
The FIT team choose and agree on one area to think about each half term for the whole school to discuss.
The half termly question will be the first agenda item for the FIT team student councillors to discuss with their class at class meetings.
Children from each class will record their ideas on a colour coded post it and these will be displayed on the pupil view board in our hall.
At the next FIT team meeting, councillors will collect all the post its. They will read through the different ideas and discuss how the school should respond to these.
FIT team councillors will then agree what actions the school should take. This will be shared with everyone.