Bags and Rucksacks
We have very limited space in school, and large bags cannot be stored. Children do not need to bring in pencil cases- pens, pencils and other stationery are provided by school.
Children should only bring
- their book bag
- a coat
- hat, gloves (for cold weather)
- a water bottle
- a lunch box (if they are not having a school dinner)
School Uniform
It is a requirement of our governing body that all children wear the appropriate school uniform. This can be purchased from:
Our Uniform provider Earth Uniform
Many local stores , supermarkets and stores.
Our Pre-loved Uniform Shop
Pre-Loved Uniform Shop.
We have a great Pre-loved uniform shop located on our school playground, where good quality items can be purchased at a greatly reduced price. The Pre-loved Uniform shop is run by parent volunteers, and is open at the end of the school day each Monday. You can donate items of uniform to our shop via the donation point
in the school office. Please only donate clean items that are still in good condition.
We have a recycling facility located at school for uniform that is past its best.
Proceeds from our pre-loved shop and recycled uniform all go back to the school to benefit the children.
Uniform Year R
(Please note that children may wear Year 1 uniform if they prefer):
- White polo shirt with, or without, the school badge
- Standard grey school skirt, pinafore dress (knee length or just above), shorts or trousers.
- In Summer, children may wear a standard school pink and white checked or striped dress.
- Plain maroon V-neck jumper or cardigan (knitted or sweat) with or without the school badge. No hoodies.
- Socks or tights should be grey or white.
- Shoes should be black or brown, ideally with Velcro fastenings. Trainers worn in school must be plain black.
School Uniform Years 1-6
(Please note that children may continue to wear their Year R uniform into Year 1, if it still fits.
- Standard white shirt.
- A school tie.
- Standard grey school skirt, pinafore dress (knee length or just above), shorts or trousers.
- In Summer, children may wear a standard school pink and white checked or striped dress.
- Plain maroon V-neck jumper or cardigan (knitted or sweat) with or without the school badge. No hoodies.
- Socks or tights should be grey or white.
- Shoes should be black or brown. Footwear should be smart and practical for all school activities. Trainers worn in school should be plain black.
- No jewellery may be worn. The exceptions to this are Medic alert bracelets or necklaces, if required. Children may also wear stud earrings (which will need to be removed by the child for P.E. and games).
PE Kit
On the days that children have PE we ask them to come to school already wearing PE Kit. Please do NOT send your child in any items of kit that is heavily logo-ed.
Years 1-6
- White polo shirt or plain white T-shirt with, or without, the school badge.
- Black shorts.
- For colder weather a tracksuit comprising plain black jogging or tracksuit bottoms and a maroon sweatshirt (with or without the school badge) is recommended.
- Black Trainers for outdoor games.
- Ear ring tape (for children with pierced ears).
Year R we suggest:
- White T-shirt with, or without, the school badge.
- Black shorts.
- For colder weather a tracksuit comprising jogging bottoms and a maroon sweatshirt (with or without the school badge) is recommended.
- Black Trainers for outside sports with Velcro Fastening.
- Ear ring tape (for children with pierced ears).
Please ensure every item of clothing, including coats, hats, gloves and scarves is named clearly.
Please note that long hair should be tied back neatly.